Sunday, November 20, 2011

That's Garbage!

Today as I walked around church grounds I became more disgusted with each step.  As I surveyed the grass and sidewalk before me I saw garbage of most every description strewn all over.  I was aghast.  I was appalled.  Truth be told, I was and am sickened by the total disregard that so many have for our home … the earth.
            Please understand that I am not beating the “mother earth” drum here.  I am an educated man, yet I'm afraid I cannot speak intelligently about when the whole ‘mother earth’ craze began. Oh, I know I have heard the term associated with Native spirituality from my earliest winters.  However, those espousing Wiccan, New Age, Paganism, and even Greek mythology have perhaps focused more on the term than any of my Native brothers.
            What I am noting – even screaming – is that the way a vast majority of people treat the earth is utterly shocking. To their credit, we have church groups, civic groups, and families who care banding together to pick up the garbage lying along many American roads.  But I have to ask, “Why is this necessary?
            When did people get the idea that the earth is their garbage dump?  When did it become acceptable to treat the place we work, eat, drive, raise families, sleep, build homes, garden, and worship with such contempt? No matter who or what we believe created this earth … no matter how we believe it came to be … this is the only earth we have!  The only earth our grandchildren will ever know. 
            I've heard it said that the gum so many casually throw from their car will stay many decades upon the land.  I'm certain the cigarette butt won't last that long; yet the mindset is nevertheless the same. Is it that we don’t care? Or is it that we feel the earth will somehow absorb our folly? 
            I believe it was Chief Joseph who said, “Continue to contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste.” Ouch.  I know we cannot go back to the days when a man could walk for months and not see another human being. I understand that we must somehow grow accustomed to every secret place of the forest being heavy with the scent of many men. Yet my brothers and sisters, are we now supposed to stand idly by and smile as the earth is raped and polluted? Personally, I think that’s garbage!   

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