Thursday, November 3, 2011


The chill in the air and the falling leaves remind me that I have entered the 52nd winter of my life.  I have always loved the way my ancestors align themselves with other wonders of creation – years become winters, months become moons, days become the rising or setting of the sun. More than just a novel or quaint way of describing the same period of time, I have found that there is great wisdom in acknowledging the parallel between our human experience and that of the trees, the animals, and even the mountains.
While none would debate that as humans we possess ability and gifts which eclipse that of the rest of creation, nonetheless it is utter folly when I hear others completely dismiss the conversation of the frogs around the pond, the wisdom shared between the owls in the trees, or the voice of the waterfall as it echoes through the mountains.  All creation has the same Creator – therefore we honor the Ancient of Days by acknowledging that we share much in common with that which surrounds us. One of those commonalities must certainly be the seasons. 
I have found that there are seasons within the seasons.  Though difficult for me to pinpoint, it was somewhere around the 48th winter of my life when I experienced a vague sense of also being in the “fall”.  The spring of my youth had passed, the summer of my adulthood had slipped by, and fall had come upon me much like the afternoon shade of the forest. Moreover, I have no doubt, should my life on earth continue for many more winters, I too shall experience the coming of winter upon my life as a fog that settles within the valley.
All this makes me wonder why so many run from, rather than embrace the changing of life’s seasons. And for all of our running, not one of us has ever escaped the realities which permeate our existence.  There is, as many have said, the circle of life – we are a part of this and not above it! Life is to death what death is to life. All things on earth have a beginning and an end. And yet the end of one thing is merely the beginning of another. “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies …” (John 12.24)
Each season has its purpose.  The bear grows during hibernation – flowers bloom in the spring and summer – the squirrels scurry to gather food in the fall – fields left to fallow rejuvenate for the future! You also are in the midst of a season.  Are you embracing it?  Are you using this season for what the Creator intends for you?  Seasons … I’ve come to see them as a gift.


  1. Not only do I welcome the seasons, I embrace them. I have recently come to understand that I am welcoming more and more of what is to come and less and less what has been. But it also brings to mind after a recent conversation with a dear friend; we would like to see where in scripture is discussed the sanctity of life other than the obvious commandment. Just wondering.

  2. I've always had the gift to embrace the seasons of my life. I've embraced each and every birthday, thanking God for another one. I can see that as my body has aged, God has given me grandchildren whom have the perfect "young" bodies. And, most important, my walk with Jesus has become more important to my well being as I've aged. I live a life style that is in tune with nature and God's creations. Seansons, I enjoy the change.

  3. It seems to me that the Bible is replete with the sense of the sacred nature of life. From the Old Testament we are introduced to "Elohim" -- the Creator == all life has its beginning in Him. We see the sacredness worked out when God does not destroy Adam and Eve but rather sends them out of the garden and even clothes them! Ezekiel notes that God takes pleasure in the death of no one. Why? Because life is sacred. Peter notes that God is not slow about keping his promises but delays judment so that none may perish but come to repentence. And finally, even in the end, the sacred nature of life is observed throughout the book of Revelation. Chapter 7 begins with God saying "wait" -- with well deserved wrath standing at the doorway, God sends forth 144,000 evangelists/missionaries to the very ones who earlier had rejected him. Why? ALL LIFE IS SACRED.

  4. While I am not overly fond of admitting this, I do struggle somewhat with these seasons of life. In nature, Autumn/Fall is by far my favorite season; it has no equal - and in my own estimation, I would say I am in the "Fall" season of my life - though some may argue that and describe it as "Winter!" I LOVE life; love it, love it, love it. That being said, it is hard (for me) to let even a moment of it pass by. Then comes the aging part: Simply stated - I don't like it, not at all, and perhaps - as a woman, I like it even less!

    Yet, in all of the likes and dislikes over the seasons of life, i.e., my own life, I SO PRAISE GOD for life; that He has given me each of the seasons many times over, with all of its ups and downs, and I embrace this gift of life so very, very much.

    Thank You, Lord, for this awesome gift of life!

  5. Mary, the fact that you "love life" is written all over your face ... and for that, I praise God!
