Thursday, October 27, 2011

People are watching

This morning I was greeted by a client as I exited my vehicle ready to begin another day of ministry at the recovery center.  After gaining my attention, this client proclaims, “I want to let you know that a lot of people are watching you and how you treat us here.”
            The fact that he made his comment with an open posture, good eye contact, and tears in his eyes told me he was not only sincere in his comment but also that it was a positive statement and not a threat! Time, for a moment, seemed to stand still as he reached forth his hand in a gesture of good will. He is a man that trusts few. I found the moment both amazing and honoring. 
            There is, of course, a universal reality expressed here. Truth be told, we are ALL being watched, whether we know it or not … whether we like it or not.  Now we can protest and lament that we are having a bad day, physical problems, turmoil on the job, marital issues, PMS, poor karma or even bad biorhythm – yet the stark fact remains that others are watching how we treat people – and they don’t know (perhaps don’t even care) what is going on within our personal lives. 
            Now trust me, I am NOT suggesting we each adopt a plastic and fake smile to parade for the world to see.  Such disingenuousness would not serve us or anyone else for the better. I want to advocate for respect.  Respect for ourselves (yes, I am having a bad day).  Yet also respect for others (my bad day does not mean I have a license to treat you with disrespect).
            Such a way of living speaks of integrity – respect for all things and all persons within a perfect confluence of cosmic proportion.  You see, in a most fantastic way, this manner of engaging life also brings respect to our Creator.  Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory to Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5.16)
If asked, what would people report about the light we are giving forth? Does it speak of respect, or dishonor?  People are watching.  

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