The Lord speaks through the prophet Isaiah and says, "Behold, all you that kindle a fire, that surround yourselves with sparks: who walk in the light of YOUR fire, and in the sparks that YOU have kindled. This shall you have from my hand; you shall lie down in sorrow" (Isa. 50:11).
What a solemn warning to those who walk in darkness and yet try to help THEMSELVES out into the light. These are represented as kindling a fire, and surrounding themselves with sparks.
What does it mean?
Why, it means that when we are in darkness, the temptation is to find a way WITHOUT trusting in the Lord and without relying upon Him. We seek the light of nature, and get the advice of our friends. We RUN rather than FACE our issues and in turn run from the Healer of our hearts.
But you might be asking -- Why bring this up on a festive night like tonight? Isn't Christmas about celebrating? You bet it is. The event of the birth of Jesus Christ SHOULD be celebrated throughout the entire world --- but in case you haven’t noticed, not everyone is celebrating. Nowadays most American stores, schools, businesses, and most certainly government facilities have taken Christ out of the celebration altogether -and exchanged Merry Christmas for a blander, “happy holidays”. No, not everyone is celebrating tonight, not even everyone in our families! Truth be told, not all those in Bethlehem celebrated. And they had the star!
Speaking of the star, have you wondered why Herod didn’t see it? I mean, it was bright, right? Did no one have insomnia and stare out the window that night? Was every eye in Bethlehem closed? Have you considered how crazy it is that a group of wise men would pack up and start riding their camels to follow a bright star all the way to a whole different country and yet most of the residents of Bethlehem didn’t even notice the light??? Have you wondered? I have.
And I believe it has something to do with what God warned back in Isaiah. You see, Bethlehem was filled with good folk who nevertheless kindled their own fire and surrounded themselves with their own sparks. Good people who were busy. Good people who had problems at home, problems at work, problems with their health, and perhaps were even walking in financial distress. Bethlehem was filled with good people who didn’t have the time or the energy to see the light of God. Problem is, Orange City, Lake Helen, Deltona, and Deland .are also filled with people who struggle with the very same things – and they too have kindled their own fires and surrounded themselves with their own sparks.
They seem very content with their own light and therefore ignore the GREAT light that God has provided in Jesus. But God isn’t done yet. God has must assuredly not given up -- And that is why I celebrate tonight.
Jesus said: “What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops…. You will be my witnesses”
That’s why we are here tonight. We have seen, we have witnessed and experienced the great light of Jesus! And we have given up our fires and our sparks, because frankly, our light simply didn’t compare to the light of God.
Now each of us have heard Linus, Lucy, and Charlie Brown sing of peace on earth good will towards men and we have come to understand that Santa Claus, lights and presents (no matter how wonderful they are) are insufficient for the task. For God and sinners to be reconciled, truly reconciled, it took the light of Jesus 2000 years ago. It is HIS light that is still required today. You see the star of Bethlehem faded away. But the Light of God expressed in Jesus Christ will shine forever.
I wonder, having seen the light of God, who will YOU tell?